Why a board-certified orthodontist is your best choice for braces and Invisalign®.

When it comes to orthodontic treatment, making the right choice can significantly impact the outcome of your smile transformation. At All Star Orthodontics, Richmond's top-rated orthodontic practice, we emphasize the importance of selecting a board-certified orthodontist. With advanced qualifications, training, and accreditation, a board-certified orthodontist ensures that you receive the highest level of care and achieve excellent results. Discover the advantages of entrusting your orthodontic journey to our team.

Unparalleled Expertise and Credentials:
Dr. Matt Cline, founder and orthodontist at All Star Orthodontics, is proud to be board-certified and has an impressive record of continued education. With advanced training and a Fellowship in Aligner Therapy, Fellowship in the Academy of General Dentistry, and specialized knowledge in lingual braces and airway health, Dr. Cline exemplifies the expertise and commitment to excellence that define our practice.

The Importance of Board Certification:
When seeking braces or Invisalign, it's crucial to be aware of the risks associated with providers lacking proper training, qualifications, and equipment. At All Star Orthodontics, our patients can rest assured that their care is overseen by a board-certified orthodontist, guaranteeing the highest standards of treatment. Board certification demonstrates our dedication to upholding ethical conduct, delivering exceptional patient care, and continuously expanding our knowledge to remain at the forefront of orthodontics.

Personalized Care and Tailored Treatment Plans:
At our practice, we recognize that every smile is unique. Dr. Cline takes the time to thoroughly evaluate your dental needs, considering factors such as tooth alignment, jaw structure, and facial aesthetics. By doing so, we can create personalized treatment plans specifically tailored to address your individual orthodontic concerns. With our expertise and attention to detail, we aim to achieve optimal results and provide you with a beautiful, healthy smile.

Comprehensive and Ongoing Support:
Choosing a board-certified orthodontist at All Star Orthodontics means you'll receive comprehensive care throughout your orthodontic journey. From the initial consultation to the final retainer phase, our orthodontists remain dedicated to monitoring your progress and making any necessary adjustments along the way. Rest assured, our team will be there to guide you at every step, ensuring your comfort and satisfaction throughout the treatment process.

Schedule a Consultation Today:
If you're considering orthodontic treatment, we invite you to schedule a consultation with our board-certified orthodontist today. Our knowledgeable team will gladly address any questions or concerns you may have, helping you determine if orthodontic treatment is the right choice for you. Contact All Star Orthodontics now to embark on your journey towards a confident and radiant smile.


Maintaining Oral Hygiene with Braces or Aligners: Essential Tips for a Healthy Smile


The Advantages of Choosing an Orthodontist for Invisalign® treatment.